The 2020 Awards Celebration, which was originally set for Friday, April 3, 2020 at Sunset Zoo in Manhattan, KS, was postponed until April 9, 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While we look forward to celebrating them in person, please join us in virtually celebrating some of Kansas' leaders and innovators in environmental education!
KACEE hosts the Excellence in Environmental Education Awards Celebration each year to recognize and celebrate individuals and organizations who exemplify outstanding effort and achievement in the field of environmental education. Our Awards Ceremony is a great opportunity to learn more about the work that KACEE is doing in Kansas, meet passionate and motivated people, and learn about how you can get involved with environmental education in Kansas (We hope to see you at the April 9, 2021 event!).
We present awards from the following four categories
John K. Strickler Award: This award recognizes the lifetime achievements of the recipient in the field of conservation and environmental education (EE). The nominee must have a minimum of ten years’ involvement in the field of EE in general and if appropriate, involvement with KACEE as well, and have made and continues to make a significant contribution to EE in Kansas.
KACEE Awards: This award recognizes the outstanding achievements of individuals, organizations, agencies, community efforts, schools, and businesses in the field of environmental education (EE). The nominee must have a minimum of five years’ involvement in the field of EE, and have made and continue to make a significant contribution to EE in Kansas. Nominations may be made in the categories below:
PreK-16 Education: School or individual in a formal education setting
Government: Individual or agency
Community and Non-Profit Organizations: Individual or organization
Agriculture: Individual or organization that leads/encourages programs that educate about agricultural best management practices
Business/Corporate Sector: Individual, business, or corporation
Connie Elpers Rising Star Award: This award honors Connie’s legacy by recognizing those passionate individuals who are new to the conservation and environmental education field in Kansas, but are already making an impact. The nominee must have a minimum of two years’ and a maximum of five years’ experience in the EE field in Kansas.
Kansas Green School of the Year Award: This award recognizes Kansas public and private schools that have demonstrated innovation, leadership, whole school involvement, and an integrated, holistic, and sustainable approach to implementing environmental projects (with a strong EE component) into their schools.
We are honored to present the 2020 award recipients! We thank them for the heart and dedication they put into environmental education in their work and personal lives, and we are deeply sorry that we weren't able to celebrate them in person this year. We do plan to honor them at the 2021 event, so please make plans to attend!
View past awardees here.
You can also help KACEE secure silent auction items, become a sponsor, or make an ask of a person/company/organization to sponsor the 2021 Excellence in Environmental Education Awards.